Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Red Blood Cells

Today my friends, we will be increasing the amount of red blood cells in our body. Awesome! This is important because red blood cells deliver oxygen to all of your organs. The more you have, the quicker and more efficiently oxygen gets delivered. This is important for athletes who want to go further and longer without fatiguing. They way you do this is by working your body so hard, and giving it such little oxygen, that it needs to produce more of these cells to adapt. This is why athletes engage in high altitude training by the way. So we will be doing this by firing up our Phosphogen systems.  AKA Sprinting!!!!

1. 20 minute bike ride - You should be able to go at least 6 miles in this time frame

2. Incline Sprints - do 5 of them for about 100 yards. I found a nearby parking garage and did them up the levels.

3. Flat Sprints - do 5 of them for about 100 yards. i did these on the roof of the parking garage.

4. 1 mile jog / sprint. - I did 5 laps of the parking garage. Sprint going North and South then jog going East and West. (Jog the curves Sprint the straights if you are on a track)

Use your environment here and be creative. Get it done and work hard. Give the sprints everything you have. Walk 1 - 2 minutes between each sprint.

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