Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Hustle

Well, for all of my East Coast friends out there, we are about to get hit by Hurricane Sandy. And while we are all stuck inside for the next two days, that means only one thing.... That we can have awesome at home work outs! So let's roll up our sleeves, board up the windows and start sweating a growing our muscles!

* All of the following are full body exercise, designed o engage multiple muscles in each move. The ( - ) indicates the "to" movement

1. Squat - Curl - Press: 3 sets (12 each)

2. Lunge - Hammer Curl - Hammer Press: 3 sets (12 each)

3. Squat - Lateral Shoulder Raise: 3 sets (12 each)

4. Bent Over Row - Push-up: 3 sets (12 each)

5. Dead-lift - Front Shoulder Raise: 3 sets (12 each)

6. Triceps Extension - Leg Lift: 3 sets (12 each)  - preform this while laying on the floor

7. Mountain Climber - T Push-up: 3 sets (12 each)

8. Wood Chop: 2 sets (10 each)  -  Do 10 on each side

9. Run up and down your stairs 10 times!

Have a fun at home work out!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oak Legs!

Congratulations everybody! You have made it to day 3 of our Oaking conquest. By now, the upper body should be feeling pretty shot. That is why today we are going to focus all on the lower body. Make sure you are prepared both with energy and mentally for this grueling work out. I would definitely have a protein and carb source (1:3 ratio) waiting for you upon your completion.

remember, follow every heavy exercise with 10 reps from the * exercise

1. Barbell Squats: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* Body Weight Squat Jumps

1. Single Leg Lunge: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* Body Weight Side to Side Jumps

1. Single Leg Squat: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* Mountain Climbers

1. Leg Curls: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* Body Weight Lunge Jumps

1. Leg Extensions: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* Body Weight Squat Jumps

Have Fun!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Oak Back!

So, how was the first day of Oaking? I bet you felt pretty swollen at the end. It is an awesome feeling. Today, we are going to do the same type stuff but for our back! So get ready to feel just as big on your posterior side as your anterior. Oak Back!!!

1. Wide Grip Bent Over Rows: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* 10 Lat Pull-downs

2. Hammer Grip Cable Rows: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* 10 Reverse Fly

3. Dead Lifts: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* 10 Superman's - laying on the floor

4. Wide Grip Cable Rows: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* 10 Reverse Fly

5. Close Grip Machine Rows: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* 10 Lat Pull-downs

You can do it.... It is only 5....

Monday, October 22, 2012

Oak Chest!

Time to get big. And I mean real big. You are going to feel so swollen after the next three days, that I suggest you right now go purchase some bigger T-Shirts. Starting with Chest today, we are going to "oak" every muscle group. Chest, Back, Legs, Shoulders. So get ready for a marvelous week of pumping up! Oh, and if you can, try to jog twice this week, can't forget cardio now.

1. Bench Press: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* After each heavy set, perform 10 decline push-ups

2. Incline Bench Press: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* After each heavy set, perform 10 push-ups

3. Cable Fly: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* After each heavy set, perform 10 incline push-ups

4. Dumbbell Bench Press: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* After each heavy set, perform 10 decline push-ups

5. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* After each heavy set, perform 10 push-ups

6. Machine Fly: 5 sets (4, 4, 4, 4, 4)
* After each heavy set, perform 10 incline push-ups

7. 50 body weight dips. Try to get them over 5 sets.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Balance Work

Well, today and tomorrow I am resting. But that doesn't mean that you hardcore beasts out there still cant work out! So today, I am showing you all a great workout which will help to improve your all around balance and core. I am sure that in doing this work out, a lot of you will be hitting some hard to reach stabilizer muscles which are always important.

For each of these do 10 on each side for 3 sets. (we don't do the normal 3 for 10 too often so let's try it!)

1. Exercise Ball Single Arm Shoulder Press

2. Exercise Ball Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

3. One Legged Squat - balanced on bench

4. Lunge Squat

5. Exercise Ball Single Arm Bicep Curl

6. Bend and Touch - Bend over using one leg and touch toe with opposite hand

7. Cable Golf Swing

8. Around the World - grab a kettle ball and take one knee, swing the kettle bell around your whole body switching hands at the front and back

9. Bent Over Row on Exercise Ball

10. Single Arm Shoulder Raise - hold the same weighted dumbbell in the other hand

This is a different kind of workout. Try it and enjoy!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Just 2 for You

New kind of workout coming at you yet again. I am preparing for another go at the Tough Mudder this weekend. This time with a ruck sack full of bricks to accompany me. So this will be the last workout of the week for me. Going to be just right to. It is basically based on the moves I will be doing this weekend. Not necessarily to make me stronger  but to get my muscles prepared for the same actions they will be doing. Think of it as perfect practice!

Preform 10 reps of the leg exercises and 6 reps of the lat/back exercises. Make sure you are struggling for that last rep!

1A. One Legged Squat
1B. Wide Grip Pull-ups

2A. Seated Leg Press
2B. Close Grip Pull-ups

3A. Weighted Lunges
3B.  Chin-ups

4A. Goblet Squats
4B. Hammer Grip Pull-ups

5A. Jump Squats
5B. Wide Grip Pull-ups

6A. Leg Curls
6B. Close Grip Pull-ups

Have fun!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Back Stabber

Yesterday was fun. I really enjoyed that workout. It had aspects of both endurance and strength. It left me sweating, tired and sore. So today, we are going to stick along the same similar lines, but focusing more on our back rather than our chest. We may even throw some legs in there for good measure.

1. Inverted Push-ups: 3 sets (15, 15, 15)

2A. Close Grip Cable Rows: 7 sets (2 each) - Go heavy and switch fast between the 2 exercises
2B. Wide Grip Lat-Pull Downs: 7 sets (2 each)

3. Box Jumps: 3 sets (12 for each)

4A.Wide Grip Cable Rows: 7 sets (2 each) - Go heavy and switch fast between the 2 exercises
4B. Close Grip Lat-Pull Downs: 7 sets (2 each)

5. Back Flys: 3 sets (12 for each) - use dumbbells

6. Box Jumps: 3 sets (12 for each)

7A. Underhand Grip Cable Rows: 7 sets (2 each) - Go heavy and switch fast between the 2 exercises
7B. Hammer Grip Grip Lat-Pull Downs: 7 sets (2 each)

8. Box Jumps: 3 sets (12 for each)

9. 25 Pull-ups - as fast as you can, rest when you must.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Thanks Kurt

Get ready for a new one today my friends. Part inspired by my buddy Kurt and part inspired by my buddy Will, this exercise takes the best from endurance training and strength training and mashes them both together in a glorious climax. This workout is sure to do 3 things. get your heart rate through the roof, build lean muscle, and have you on the verge of quitting. But stay strong!

* For numbers 1, 3, 5, and 7 do the exercise with 90% your one rep max. Do one rep, then rest 20 seconds. Do this for 7 reps. You will need a spotter.

* repeat this entire workout twice

1. Bench Press

2. 500 meter row

3. Dead Lift

4. 15 Burpee to Pull-up

5. Military Shoulder Press

6. 500 meter row

7. Wide Grip Rows

8. 15 Burpee to Pull-up

haha wow

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sprinting Legs

Upper body is torched  sore and feeling jacked. Now it is time to turn our attention to the lower body. And with the slow paced, heavy lifting workouts we did the past 2 days, it is time to turn up the intensity. All you will need for this workout is 2 twenty pound dumbbells and a long stretch of road. Find a road with slight incline and that is even better!

1. warm-up by running 1 mile

2. 5 - 100 meter sprints - rest 1 minute between each

3. Goblet Squats: 4 sets (15, 15, 15, 15)

4. Run 1 mile

5. Lunges: 4 sets (12, 12, 12, 12)

6. Run 1 mile

7. 24 inch Box Jumps: 4 sets (12, 12, 12, 12)

8. 5 - 100 meter sprints

9. Jog 1 mile

Good luck with this one!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Back and Biceps

Well, we hit the chest and triceps pretty hard yesterday. Feels good to be sore the next day. And with a post workout double cheeseburger, large french fries and large chocolate milkshake, I am certainly ready to pound the back and biceps today. Hey, it is bulking season right? I needed to start it off on a good note!

1. Pull-ups: 3 sets (10, 10, 10)

2. Bent Over Rows: 3 sets (10, 10, 10)

3. Lat Pull-downs: 3 sets (8, 8, 8)

4. Cable Hammer Grip Rows: 3 sets (8, 8, 8)

5. Underhand Grip Chin-ups: 3 sets (each till failure)

6. Core Rows: 3 sets (8, 8, 8) - 8 each hand. Do these from the push-up position

7. Dumbbell Curls: 2 sets (15, 15)

8. Straight Bar Curls: 3 sets (8, 8, 8)

9. Cable Curls: 3 sets (Start with a high weight and keep dropping it until you can no longer do anymore. Do this 3 times)

You will feel jacked tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chest And Triceps

Let the bulking begin!

Fall is here, winter is around the corner, and shirt off summer is far, far away. That means it is time to put the 6 pack away and pile on some muscle mass. This is a great time of year. Why? Because you get to indulge on more goodies and food while also lifting big weights and watching your arms, chest, shoulders, legs and back grow. What could be better? So to start off the bulking season, we are going to hit our chest and triceps. Tomorrow Back and Biceps and then Legs on Friday. There will be more rest days involved in this routine, but make sure you are still jogging and doing light cardio. You need to keep your heart and lunges healthy too!

1. Incline Bench Press: 5 sets (12, 12, 10, 8, 6)

2. Flat Dumbbell Press: 5 sets (12, 12, 10, 8, 6)

3. Cable Fly: 4 sets (10, 8, 6, 6)

4. Dips: 3 sets (8, 8, 8) - strap weight on you if you need to

5. Close Grip Bench Press: 3 sets (8, 8, 8)

6. Triceps Extensions: 3 sets (8, 8, 8)

7. Decline Bench Press: 3 sets (10, 10, 10)

8. Kick-backs: 3 sets (8, 8, 8) - each arm

9. Diamond Push-ups: 3 sets (each till failure)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lower Body Mayhem

Hey everyone. Sorry for the late post but I totally forgot to update you guys and share the awesome leg work out!!! I know how disappointed you all must be. I did this yesterday with a partner and it was awesome. Drenched in sweat and sore today. So without any delay, here it is.

1. Jump Squats: 3 sets (10, 10, 10)

2. Box Jumps: 3 sets (8, 8, 8) 12 inch box, grab dumbbells

3. Dead Lifts: 4 sets (12, 8, 6, 6)

4A. Leg Press: 3 sets (10, 10, 10)
4B. Mountain Climbers: 3 sets (20, 20, 20)

5A. Reverse Leg Curls: 3 sets (10, 10, 10)
5B. Lunge and Bounce: 3 sets (10, 10, 10) bounce once after extending the leg then move to next lunge

6. Billy Goat Kicks: 3 sets (15, 15, 15) Go side to side

Short but hard. Have fun!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Upper Body Mayhem

2 days of mayhem coming at you! Today, we focus on the upper body, and tomorrow, the lower. I hope everyone did well with the Spartacus yesterday, it should not have left you too sore at all since it was high reps and full body movements. Either way, lets dive right in to this beast.

Preform each as a circuit. Rest between circuits and on the way to the next lift. Substitute Pull-ups for Lat pull-downs when you need to.

4 sets
1. Pull-ups: 15 reps
2. Shoulder Press: 10 reps
3. Bench Press: 5 reps

4 sets
1. Pull-ups: 10 reps
2. Shoulder Press: 5 reps
3. Bench Press: 15 reps

4 sets
1. Pull-ups: 5 reps
2. Shoulder Press: 15 reps
3. Bench Press: 10 reps

**Optional finish**
20 reps Burpee to Pull-ups
20  reps Clean and Press

Make sure you struggle for that lest rep no matter what number it is. Adjust weight accordingly.

Have fun.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mr. Spartacus

Hello workout faithfuls! Hope everyone had a great weekend! It is not October. Engage for the best time of the year. I know I have mentioned this before so I will not bore you, but I do love this time of year. We are going to begin bulking probably next week. As October 1 is usually my start date, however, I have a challenge race this weekend so need to be in running / endurance shape for one more week. So here we go, the last Spartacus workout of the year.... maybe.

Complete the following 10 exercises for a minute a piece, then move on. Repeat this circuit 3 times.

1. Get-ups
2. Star Jumps
3. Plank to Push-up
4. Bupree (with 2 mountain climbers as well)
5. Push-up to Crunch (Do a push-up, then roll over and crunch, then roll back over)
6. Bent Over Row to Dead Lift (use dumbbells)
7.180 Squat Jumps
8. Curl to Shoulder Press to Triceps Extension
9. Opposite side toe touch (works your balance and core)
10. Lunge Twist (use a medicine ball)

Have fun!